The Pontificator in Person

The Pontificator in Person
I Blink Therefore I Am

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

What's The Point?

I have never been what "normal" people would call a deep thinker. My train of thought would not exactly be a streamlined bullet train. No, it would more resemble those old circus trains - with vastly different sized and shaped cars, and odd "things" poking out of odd places. As my artistic career has developed and grown, I have learned that meaning is a very subjective term. (I should note that the journey has been underway for quite some time but the actual "job" part of it won't really begin for another 6 months to a year.) I have learned that there are shallow meanings - "I like it." and there are deeper meanings - "The combination of colors and line keep my eye moving. I am drawn to the energy of this piece." I know that some of you may have just had an "artsy-fartsy" moment, but don't go running for the hills just yet. I guess what I am saying is that I have entered a portion of my life where I WANT to explore why I feel the way I do about things. I really think too many people cut themselves short in this area. How can we say we have convictions if we don't REALLY know why we feel the way we do, or even know WHAT we feel? Thus the emergence of this blog into my life. If I have thought about it, wondered how it works, or dreamed about what it might be just might find its way on this blog at some point. So I hope you see something that makes you think, and not too many things that make you go "What is this guy on?"

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